Image of H3 launch vehicle

Image of H3 launch vehicle Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

H3 Rocket Gains Momentum with International Orders

Eutelsat and UAE Sign Up for Multiple Launches as Japanese Rocket Enters Global Market

The Japanese H3 rocket is making strides in the global launch market, securing new orders from both European and Middle Eastern entities. Eutelsat announced that they secured "multiple launches" from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to orbit their payloads starting in 2027. The UAE will also launch its MBR Explorer mission on H3. These recent developments highlight the growing international interest in the H3 rocket, which has demonstrated its capabilities through three launches to date.

A longtime proponent of GEO (Geostationary Orbit) systems, Eutelsat experimented with LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellites. A LEO nanosatellite was ordered in March 2018. This exploration has translated to a merger with OneWeb, which has extensive LEO architecture.

Moving forward, replacement satellites will be needed. Eutelsat OneWeb is looking at second-generation LEO satellites and their GEO satellites will also need replacing which will give plenty of launch opportunities for H3.

The Emirati mission is also set to launch in 2028 on H3. With both of these orders, the H3 is beginning life in a good position within the market. Looking at its predecessor, the H-II, there were comparatively few international customers on that launch vehicle. The vehicle's lower price tag (compared with H-II), modular design, and automated processes enables the H-3 to launch at a higher rate than the H-2. As the demand for satellite services continues to rise, the H3's ability to efficiently and reliably deliver payloads into orbit positions it as a strong contender in the competitive launch market.